The Star Foundation

Jumping Kids




Location: Gauteng
The Story
The Journey
Currently a Grade 7 learner at Sicelo Primary School, Nhlanhla Molele became a beneficiary of the Jumping Kids Prosthetic Fund after his teacher recognised his potential and reached out for assistance on behalf of Nhlanhla’s family.
Nhlanhla was born with a congenital condition that caused a deformity on his left leg below the knee. Following the successful application for prosthetic intervention and assistance from Jumping Kids, he was fitted with his first customised prosthesis on 15 January 2021 – about a month before his 11th birthday.
Showing an interest in Life Skills, Human Rights Ambassadorship in particular, Nhlanhla’s passions certainly lean toward areas where he hopes to one day help make a difference. For him, it is about the simple things that his prosthetic equipment enables him to do.
“At school I’m able to play sports and participate in gumboots dance, and at home I can help with house-hold chores like fetching water and cleaning the house. It is important to be able to do all these things independently.”
1.What is your favourite subject at school and why?
Life Skills because it taught me to make informed decisions about my health and wellbeing. It has built my confidence and self-esteem.
2.What would you like to pursue as a career one day?
I would like to become a doctor or do social work.
3.What types of sport and extracurricular activities are you involved in?
I participate in gumboots dance, flag hoisting, and human rights ambassadorship.
4.What do you hope to try with your new prosthetic sports blade?
I would like to try out more sports and start swimming lessons.
5.What is your message to children living with a physical challenge?
You are amazing just the way you are! Your body might work differently, but that’s what makes you unique and special. You are not alone, there are lots of people who understand what you are going through and they are here to support you.
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