Say hello to Bokang! A Grade 4 learner. She was born with a congenital condition that led to a below-knee amputation known as trans tibial on her right leg.
In 2017, she became a beneficiary of the
Jumping Kids Prosthetic Fund and was fitted with her first lower limb prosthesis, sponsored by the charity.
Initially it was difficult for Bokang to get used to moving around on her prosthesis. However, she was inspired by other kids that are using their prostheses to navigate life at school and at home.
She started running with her prosthetic device and discovered her love for it.
Now, empowered by her prosthetic equipment, Bokang is striving to inspire other children living with physical challenges to never stop trying and to always hold on to their faith.
What is your favourite subject at school and why?
Mathematics, because it keeps my brain active at all times.
What would you like to pursue as a career one day?
I would like to become an athlete and a medical doctor.
What types of sport and extracurricular activities are you involved in?
Right now, I am involved in running.
What do you hope to try with your new prosthetic sport blade?
Above all else, I hope to be an inspiration to all living with a disability.
What is your message to children living with a physical challenge?
My message to children living with a physical disability is to always believe in yourself, to never stop trying, and to remember to pray